Accessibility Statement

This website has been created following NHS England guidelines on accessibility, branding and identity. We’re working to make as accessible and usable as possible for every user, and in accordance and compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

You can view the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 here

Compatibility with tools

Our website should be compatible with current versions of assistive software including

Screen readers

basic operating system screen magnifiers

operating system speech packages

Downloadable documents

Downloadable documents are most commonly published in PDF format and Word. Our PDFs are formatted in line with the most recent requirements.

Most computers already have the software to open these document formats. If you cannot open PDF documents, download Acrobat Reader.

Saving documents to your computer

If you have a PC, right-click on the link to the document. If you use an Apple Mac, hold down the mouse button over the link. In both cases, a popup menu will then appear. From the menu click on 'Save target as'. You will then be asked to choose a folder on your computer into which you can save the document.

Documents in a different format or language

If you have a learning disability or need any of the documents on this website in a different format or language, contact the team and we will send them to you.

Changing the text size

You can do this through your browser settings. See the links below for help.

General browser accessibility

You can change your browser or computer settings to improve accessibility in general when you are viewing websites:

What we do to help you

  • The design of the website is consistent to help you find your way around. Every page has a top level drop down menu and search function to help you see where you are in relation to the homepage
  • All of our images contain alternative text (alt text), for people using screen readers or text only browsers
  • We make sure that our links make sense out of context. This is important for screen readers for example, where links can be displayed as a list
  • We use headers and bullet points to help you to scan the information on the pages
  • We try to make sure that all our information is easy to read.

Get help

You can find guidance from the BBC about:

Further help and feedback

Please contact us ( have any difficulty or queries when using our website. We will be happy to help you and will use our communication with you to further improve accessibility of the site.


Accessibility on the site is reviewed annually. The next review will be March 2022