Ouris Health Limited is publishing this statement under the provision of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the 'Act'). The Act requires Ouris Health to state the actions we have taken during the financial year to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in our operations and supply chains. This statement refers to the financial year ending 28 February 2019.
As a health care service provider organisation, Ouris health believes the risk of modern slavery within our business to be relatively low. However, modern slavery can be challenging to identify, particularly when it occurs within complicated supply chains and therefore no business can be considered immune. Ouris health is committed to ensuring that modern slavery, human trafficking, bonded and forced labour have no place in or around our business. Ouris health encourages an honest and open culture and always requires all employees to act with integrity. Our Code of Business Conduct and associated processes/policies support our approach to tackling any risk.
About Our Business
We provide health care services in UK and aim to connect with our partners in India to provide an affordable health care platform across the globe. We are a digital health care company connect patients and health professionals and provide technology to self-monitor health conditions for a better health outcome.
We have 12 members and our main categories of purchasing spend are technology and are based in UK and in India.
Ouris Health Policy
Ouris Health understands that people lie at the heart of this legislation. We have a responsibility to respect the human rights of, and an opportunity to make a difference to, our employees, customers, the communities we operate in and the people who work throughout our supply chain.
Our Code of Business Conduct places our core values of courage, passion, collaboration, and curiosity at the centre of how we behave towards our clients, client's customers, suppliers and to each other. Acting legally and ethically and following our policies are some of the ways in which we ensure that we always do our best for our clients, our client's customers and for each other. This value is embedded throughout our business, resonates with our employees, and also frames how we expect the suppliers we work with to engage with their colleagues, customers and suppliers. We therefore seek to do business only with suppliers who have similar values and ethics as ourselves.
Ouris Health does not tolerate slavery, human trafficking, bonded labour, forced labour, child labour or child exploitation.
Procedures adopted to assess and manage slavery and human trafficking risk
As a health care service organisation, we believe the risk of modern slavery within our own business to be relatively low.
Ouris health has put in place several procedures to ensure that modern slavery does not occur in our business or supply chains:
1. Supply Chain
Our services are based in UK and currently Ouris health has no key active suppliers, but we aim to work in public and private sector. When third parties are identified as key suppliers to Ouris health, we have set a full due diligence assessment, which is carried out before the supplier is on-boarded. This assessment covers a range of topics including regulatory & legal compliance, HR, and integrity.
2. Recruitment and Employment
Ouris Health has comprehensive recruitment processes and procedures in place, including conducting eligibility to work in the UK checks for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking or forced labour. Most of our colleagues are full time and all colleagues have Terms and Conditions which are regularly reviewed in line with employment law and best practice.
3. Education, Training and Ethical Standards
In addition to having suitable policies in place, Ouris health understands that a key part of our commitment to the Act is to ensure all our employees understand and comply with high ethical standards and integrity.
4. Whistleblowing
Ouris health has a comprehensive whistleblowing policy (Speak Up Policy) which encourages all our employees and stakeholders to speak out if they have concerns about any activity, breach of law, breach of our Code of Business Conduct, dangers to the public and any concealment of information. Our policy is designed to make it easy for all colleagues to speak up and report anonymously without any risk to their employment or suffering any form of retribution.
Next Steps:
Over the next 12 months, we will continue to strengthen our approach to managing the risk of Modern-Day Slavery within our business. Our ambitions include:
Dr Thiru Sundaresan
CEO, Ouris Health Limited